Flexineb® E3
The Flexineb® E3 is a portable, re-usable, silent equine nebuliser for delivering aerosolised drugs and natural therapies to the airways of the horse.
Product Features
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Flexineb® E3?
Flexineb® E3 is a simple to use, silent and portable equine nebuliser system without the standard noisy compressor, hoses, wires, and typical inconveniences of old horse nebulisers. The Flexineb® E3 is a revolutionary equine nebuliser that enables delivery of nebulised (inhaled) medications and natural therapies directly to the airways of the horse. It operates from a rechargeable battery powered controller and has a unique flexible mask interface with a clear aerosol chamber and medication cup.
Why use Flexineb® E3?
Respiratory problems in horses are frequently the cause of poor sportive performances and can also impact the daily wellbeing of an animal. Historically there were several known types of respiratory disease in horses such as RAO (recurrent Airway Obstruction), Heaves, COPD and Inflammatory Airway Disease(IAD) which are now known under the umbrella term ‘Equine Asthma’ which is graded into three categories, Mild, Moderate & Severe. Historically, the treatment options for respiratory disease, includes systemic administration of drugs using injections or the oral route, however administration via inhalation through horse nebuliser masks and inhalers are now considered to be a viable alternative way to treat respiratory disorders (including breathing, airway, or lung problems). Flexineb® is an easy-to-use delivery device that produces a very fine mist of aerosolized drug or natural therapy solution enabling you to deliver a variety of medications via inhalation for the horse. This has allowed thousands of horses globally, to continue their working careers, rehabilitate from acute illness and allows owners to manage their horses’ respiratory issues efficiently in the long term.
Is the Flexineb® E3 easy to use and does it come with instructions?
Yes, Flexineb is very easy to set-up and each system comes with a User Manual. You can also download our Flexineb+ App to your phone for more information on Getting Started and information on Flexineb.
Will the Flexineb® E3 help my horse?
Respiratory disease and allergies vary in severity across the equine species – no two horses are the same and neither are their respiratory problems. Helping your horse by incorporating Flexineb® into their routine will certainly help them maintain healthy airways. However, you will also need to manage their environment carefully to maximise fresh air circulation and minimise airborne dust and allergens in their breathing zone. Your horse may also be prescribed medications by your veterinarian depending on the severity of the issue, and your horse may need long term management